Skin Consultations 

Talk to one of our estheticians about your current skincare routine, skin concerns and skin goals. Together, you'll make a plan on where to start your skincare journey and find out what products and services will work best for your skin.

30 minutes // $60 or free with the purchase of $100 worth of product

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The Custom

No matter your skin concerns, from acne-prone and congested skin, sun-damaged and hyper-pigmented skin, dry and dehydrated, or sensitive and inflamed, we will fully customize a facial treatment for you.

60 - 90 minutes // $135 - $150 

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The Fire & Ice 

Designed to safely resurface and rapidly rejuvenate the skin with little or no downtime.

This facial helps reduce the appearance of uneven skin tone and blemishes, resulting in a more youthful complexion.

Before your Fire & Ice facial, please discontinue the use of any actives (acids, retinoids, spot treatments) for a minimum of 7 days.

60 minutes // $150 

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The Hydrator 

Designed for dry, dehydrated and the most sensitive skin types, The Hydrator will revitalize and restore balance to the skin's natural moisture barrier, leaving the skin supple, radiant and refreshed.

Minimal extractions at the client's request.

60 - 90 minutes // $145 - $165 

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The Detox 

Designed for oily, congested and acne-prone skin, The Detox will draw out toxins and purify the skin. Includes extractions and a detoxifying mask.

60 - 90 minutes // $145 - $165 

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The Dermaplane

The Dermaplane allows the products to absorb deeper into the skin by removing the dead skin cells, dirt and vellus hair with a scalpel, a procedure known as dermaplaining.

Dermaplaining should be avoided if you have compromised skin (burn, active acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema) or deep acne scarring.

60 - 90 minutes // $140 - $160

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The Back Facial

The Back Facial is for those who want to spend time caring for the often neglected skin on their back. Whether you are wanting to clear up acne and congestion, or just want to maintain your skin, this treatment can be customized to any concern. 

90 minutes // $245

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